Tuesday, 22 May 2012


It was a "nothing"

How do I know it was a "nothing"?

Because that "nothing" first sweeps you off your feet
It makes you believe everything is possible

You feel happy, so then you believe in it
You take courage and fight all those around you
All those who don't understand you, can't understand you, won't understand you
Who can't comprehend the magnitute of this uniqueness that you are living

And it did all feel right, the words and the actions
Until the moment came for me to choose
To choose to transform our "nothing" into "something"
Suddenly I realised I had to confront myself, not him...I couldn't
So I changed and I became "something", "something" else

And then I saw it
The resentment in his eyes
The pain that was to be inflicted upon me

And it hurt me.
It still hurts me because I know now it was not real pain
It was "nothing"

The pain is still here with me, because in all of this
I was the fool thinking that it was "something"
My actions speak for themselves
His words might have been stronger than mine
But I did hear long ago what his actions truly said

But I have made my choice and I am alone
And I do admit that this also hurts me

But I prefer to be alone in the "nothing" that I create, because it is truly mine
It will take time but I will transform it into "something"
And this "something" will be true and pure
It will trully be mine


life & work or work & life

Is your work becoming your life
Is your life becoming hard work?

What happens when you are tired of your work?

Do you (re)turn to your life?

And when you are tired of your life, do you give up


do you (re)turn to your work so you can forget about your life?

At night, in the darkness, when you are alone, who do you turn to then?


I've come to realise
my life exists in the air, within a virtual space

I cannot touch those that I love
I cannot be touched in the way I crave for

My body, my needs are paused
I stare into a screen with nothing looking back at me...an empty relfection

I have been tempted to leave and leave all behind
but then again, where do I go?

Do I go where I want or where I am wanted?

Time comes and goes
Time waits for nothing
Why shall I wait for you?


Αισθάνομαι ...
... αλλά δεν ξέρω τι αισθάνομαι

Σκέφτομαι ...
... αλλά οι σκέψεις μου διαφεύγουν

Ονειρεύομαι ...
... αλλά τα όνειρά μου εξατμίζονται

Προσπαθώ να υπάρξω
Και κάτι μου λείπει
Κάτι με πιέζει
Κάτι με τρομάζει

Πότε θα είναι η ώρα;
Πώς θα ξέρω;
Και αν δεν προσέξω
Πώς θα συνεχίζω να υπάρχω;

Term of Turmoil

I look inside and I don’t see anything.
I keep going without stopping because I still believe.
But even though every time I enter as further inside as I can…I don’t see anything.
And the question that occurs to me is;
is there something inside or have I lost my ability to see?
And just like that my body feels numb;
the time goes by, the people go by, the thoughts go by
but my body does not respond to anything.
It stays there seeking, without knowing what it is that it’s seeking.
I don’t know what is right anymore, and in a way I prefer it like that.
The whole of my being is tired
tired of explaining, tired of listening, tired of being proper
I just want to be!
All the doubts, all the critiques, all the opinions
They don’t go away.
I need silence, but at the same time this silence scares me.
What I am going to do?
How to continue and where to?
What is better?
To continue within the darkness or to follow a light that is not mine?
nobody knows
   nobody knows me

Sunday, 13 May 2012

"La vita e bella"

Life is more beautiful if you allow it to be
If you imagine it and let it be
If you let it be and become what it was always meant to become...
Simple, pure and beautiful
Let yourself become alive, be full of life and live 
and suddenly you will discover how all is beautiful